
《比利时信条》第二十三条 论称义

2022年02月26日 编辑:本站

《比利时信条》第二十三条 论称义


  所以,我们始终持守这样的稳固根基,将一切的荣耀都归于神3,在神的面前谦卑自己,承认自己不过是罪人。我们不会以自己或自己的行为自夸4,而是惟独信靠基督在十字架上所成就的顺服5;当我们信靠祂时,祂的义就成为我们的义6。  这足以遮盖我们的一切罪孽,使我们有信心亲近神,内心的害怕、恐惧和战兢得以自由,因此,我们不再像始祖亚当那样战兢躲藏,用无花果树的叶子遮盖自己7。的确如此,如果我们要依靠自己或其他任何受造之物(哪怕是微乎其微的依靠)来到神面前,(灾祸就必临到我们!)我们就灭亡了8。因此,我们每个人都应当像大卫一样祷告:“求你不要审问仆人,因为在你面前,凡活着的人没有一个是义的”。

   1. 约壹2:1.
   2. 林后5:18, 19; 弗2:8; 提前2:6.
   3. 诗115:1; 启7:10-12.
   4. 林前4:4; 雅2:10.
   5. 徒4:12; 来 10:20.
   6. 罗4:23-25.
   7. 创3:7; 番3:11; 来 4:16; 约壹4:17-19.
   8. 路16:15; 腓3:4-9.


  We believe that our blessedness lies in the forgiveness of our sins for Jesus Christ‘s sake and that there our righteousness before God consists, as David and teach us. They pronounce a blessing upon the man to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works. The apostle also says that we are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.

  Therefore we always hold to this firm foundation. We give all the glory to God, humble ourselves before Him, and acknowledge ourselves to be what we are. We do not claim anything for ourselves or our merits, but rely and rest on the only obedience of Jesus Christ crucified; His obedience is ours when we believe in Him.

  This is sufficient to cover all our iniquities and to give us confidence in drawing near to God, freeing our conscience of fear, terror, and dread, so that we do not follow the example of our first father, Adam, who trembling tried to hide and covered himself with fig leaves. For indeed, if we had to appear before God, relying – be it ever so little – on ourselves or some other creature, (woe be to us!) we would be consumed. Therefore everyone must say with David, O Lord, enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for no man living is righteous before Thee.
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