
《比利时信条》第廿七条 论人公的基督教会

2022年02月26日 编辑:本站

《比利时信条》第廿七条 论人公的基督教会


  此外,圣而公之教会并不受制局限于某一特定的地方或某些人,而是遍布全世界9。不管怎样,圣而公之教会是藉着信心的能力,因同一位圣灵,以心灵和意志联合10。 ‍

   1.创22:18; 赛49:6; 弗2:17-19.
   2.诗111:1; 约10:14, 16; 弗4:3-6; 来12:22, 23.
   3.弗1:13; 弗4:30.
   4.珥 2:32; 徒2:21.
   5.撒下7:16; 诗89:36; 诗110:4; 太28:18, 20; 路1:32. 
   6.赛1:9; 彼前3:20; 启11:7.
   7.诗46:5; 太16:18.
   8.王上19:18; 罗11:4.
   9.太23:8; 约4:21-23; 罗10:12-13.
   10.诗119:63; 徒4:32; 弗4:4.


  We believe and profess one catholic or universal Church, which is a holy congregation and assembly of the true Christian believers, who expect their entire salvation in Jesus Christ, are washed by His blood, and are sanctified and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

  This Church has existed from the beginning of the world and will be to the end, for Christ is an eternal King who cannot be without subjects. This holy Church is preserved by God against the fury of the whole world, although for a while it may look very small and as extinct in the eyes of man. Thus during the perilous reign of Ahab, the Lord kept for Himself seven thousand persons who had not bowed their knees to Baal.

  Moreover, this holy Church is not confined or limited to one particular place or to certain persons, but is spread and dispersed throughout the entire world. However, it is joined and united with heart and will, in one and the same Spirit, by the power of faith.
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