
《比利时信条》第三十条 论教会的治理

2022年02月26日 编辑:本站

《比利时信条》第三十条 论教会的治理

  我们相信,此真教会必须按照主在祂的话语中教导我们的属灵原则来治理1。教会须有牧师来传讲神的道和施行圣礼2;必须有众长老3和众执事4与牧师们一同组成教会会议5。藉此,真宗教可以得到保守;他们确保纯正教义得到传扬,那即是,作恶的人以属灵的方式被教训和处罚;同时,贫穷人和困苦人得以按着他们所需的得到帮助和安慰6。藉着这种方式,当教会按着使徒保罗教导提摩太的原则7选举信实的人治理教会时,凡事才能规规矩矩按着次序行 8。

   1.徒20:28; 弗4:11, 12; 提前3:15; 来13:20-21.
   2.路1:2; 路10:16; 约20:23; 罗10:14; 林前4:1; 林后5:19-20; 提后4:2.
   3.徒14:23; 多1:5.
   5.腓1:1; 提前4:14.
   6.徒6:1-4; 多1:7-9.


  We believe that this trueChurch must be governed according to the Spiritual order which our Lord hastaught us in His Word. There should be ministers or pastors to preach the Wordof God and to administer the sacraments; there should also be elders anddeacons who, together with the pastors, form the council of the Church. Bythese means they preserve the true religion; they see to it that the truedoctrine takes its course, that evil men are disciplined in a spiritual way andare restrained, and also that the poor and all the afflicted are helped andcomforted according to their need. By these means everything will be done welland in good order when faithful men are chosen in agreement with the rule thatthe apostle Paul gave to Timothy.
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