
《比利时信条》第三十一条 论教会的职分

2022年02月26日 编辑:本站

《比利时信条》第三十一条 论教会的职分


   1.徒1:23, 24; 徒6:2, 3.  
   2.徒13:2; 林前12:28; 提前4:14; 提前5:22; 来5:4.  
   3.太23:8, 10; 弗1:22, 弗5:23.  
   4.林后 5:20; 彼前5:1-4.  
   5.帖前5:12, 13; 提前5:17; 来13:17


  We believe that ministers ofGod‘s Word, elders, and deacons ought to be chosen to their offices by lawfulelection of the Church, with prayer and in good order, as stipulated by theWord of God. Therefore everyone shall take care not to intrude by impropermeans. He shall wait for the time that he is called by God so that he may havesure testimony and thus be certain that his call comes from the Lord. Ministersof the Word, in whatever place they are, have equal power and authority, for theyare all servants of Jesus Christ, the only universal Bishop and the only Headof the Church. In order that this holy ordinance of God may not be violated orrejected, we declare that everyone must hold the ministers of the Word and theelders of the Church in special esteem because of their work, and as much aspossible be at peace with them without grumbling or arguing.
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