

2018年06月29日 编辑:本站


The fruit of the spirit is not a coconut(椰子)
The fruit of the spirit is not a coconut
If you want to be a coconut, you might as well hear it; you can’t be a fruit of the spirit.

Oh the fruit of the spirit is not a banana. (香蕉)
The fruit of the spirit is not a banana.
If you want to be a banana, you might as well hear it; you can’t be a fruit of the spirit.

Oh the fruit of the spirit is not a watermelon. (西瓜)
The fruit of the spirit is not a watermelon.
If you want to be a watermelon, you might as well hear it; you can’t be a fruit of the spirit.

Oh the fruit of the spirit is not a lemon. (柠檬)
The fruit of the spirit is not a lemon.
If you want to be a lemon, you might as well hear it; you can’t be a fruit of the spirit.

Oh the fruit of the spirit is not a cherry. (樱桃)
The fruit of the spirit is no a cherry.
If you want to be a cherry, you might as well hear it; you can’t be a fruit of the spirit.

'Cause the fruit is love(仁爱), joy(喜乐), peace(和平), patience(忍耐), kindness(良善), goodness(恩慈), faithfulness(信实), gentleness(温柔), and self-control(节制).




上一篇: 03月25日武爽节目你的嘴和你的未来
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